Biologos Will Exhibit At The Virtual AATB 2021 Annual Meeting

November 26, 2021

The 2021 AATB Annual Meeting has transitioned to a virtual format, taking place December 6-8, 2021. Additional show details are TBD, but keep an eye on our social posts for more updates! Our team looks forward to this great show!

Biologos stands out as the biological brand trusted by more than 90% of U.S. based tissue processing facilities, as well as the 8 largest animal health companies in the US!A A T B

About AATB

The American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB) is a professional, non-profit, scientific, and educational organization. It is the only national tissue banking organization in the United States, and its membership totals approximately 120 accredited tissue banks and 2,000 individual members. These banks recover tissue from more than 58,000 donors and distribute in excess of 3.3 million allografts for more than 2.5 million tissue transplants performed annually in the US. The overwhelming majority of the human tissue distributed for these transplants comes from AATB-accredited tissue banks.